MSc Data and Decision Analytics (Online)
24 Months
Meio Período
11 Jun 2025
15 Sep 2025
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Ensino a Distância
Nosso MSc Data and Decision Analytics de meio período, estudado ao longo de 24 meses, prepara os alunos não apenas para analisar e digerir dados, mas também para traduzir isso em tomada de decisão eficaz na era do Big Data. Entregue por meio de uma mistura de sessões on-line ao vivo e atividades assíncronas, este curso combina fundamentos teóricos com experiência prática.
Resultado do programa
The programme aims to provide students with an understanding of cutting-edge business analytics and computing tools to make data-driven decisions in a range of business areas.
The specific education aims of the programme are:
- Enable students to recognise, understand and apply the language, theory, and models of the field of business analytics.
- Foster an ability to critically analyse, synthesise and solve complex unstructured business problems related to data and decision analytics.
- Encourage an aptitude for business improvement, innovation, and entrepreneurial action.
- Instil a sense of ethical decision-making and a commitment to the long-run welfare of both organisations and the communities that they serve.
It is anticipated that by the end of the programme students will be able to:
- Understand and critically apply the concepts and methods of business analytics.
- Identify, model, and solve decision problems in different settings.
- Interpret results/solutions and identify appropriate courses of action for a given managerial situation whether a problem or an opportunity.
- Create viable solutions to decision-making problems.
Bolsas de estudo e financiamento
Detalhes sobre fontes de financiamento e oportunidades para o Mestrado em Dados e Análise de Decisão.
Programa de Bolsas de Estudo em Análise de Dados (Online)
A University of Edinburgh Business School está oferecendo uma série de bolsas de estudo que cobrem parte das taxas para alunos de mestrado que começarem os estudos em setembro de 2024 no Mestrado em Análise de Dados e Decisão (online).
University of Edinburgh scholarships
Edinburgh Global Online Learning Masters Scholarships
The University of Edinburgh will offer twelve Master's scholarships for eligible part-time distance learning Master's programmes. Each scholarship will cover full tuition fees and will be tenable for the normal duration of the programme of study.
UK government postgraduate loans
If you live in the UK, you may be able to apply for a postgraduate loan from one of the UK’s government loan schemes.
The type and amount of financial support you are eligible for will depend on:
- your programme
- the duration of your studies
- your tuition fee status
Observação: programas estudados em regime de meio período intermitente não são elegíveis.
Tuition fee discounts
We offer a 10% discount on postgraduate tuition fees for alumni who have graduated with an undergraduate degree from the University of Edinburgh.
We also offer a 10% discount on postgraduate tuition fees for students who have previously matriculated on a 'Visiting Programme' as undergraduate students and completed a minimum of one semester of study at the University of Edinburgh.
Oportunidades de Carreira
Career development
It is anticipated that demand for data analytics employees will continue to grow as analytics is viewed as a key competitive resource by many companies. Our dedicated Student Development Team within the Business School will be an integral part of your student experience from day one. We are here to help you become equipped to maximise your potential in the global market.
Graduate employment
Organisations hold more information about their business environments than ever before. Increasingly, these organisations are recognising the role of data in gaining insights and out-thinking competitors. The worldwide big data analytics market was valued at US$ 37.34 billion in 2018 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 12.3% to arrive at US$ 105.08 billion by 2027. This will inevitably lead to further growth of the market for employees in the area of analytics.
O MSc Data and Decision Analytics oferecerá aos alunos de uma variedade de formações acadêmicas a oportunidade de se equiparem com uma artilharia de conceitos, métodos e aplicações de análise de dados, juntamente com experiência prática e prática na aplicação deles. Não se trata apenas de ser capaz de analisar e digerir os dados disponíveis, mas de então traduzir isso em tomada de decisão eficaz.
We expect the programme to open a range of career Pathways in analytics for our graduates or to allow them to progress further within their existing careers. Roles we anticipate to be among these Pathways include:
- Business consultants
- Business analysts
- Data analysts
- Business intelligence and analytics consultants
- Metrics and analytics specialists
- Analytics associates
- Solution architects
- Business process analysts
- Management consulting associates
- Operational research consultants